Talks broke down again yesterday. Unrest everywhere you look. I feel awful for everyone who’s out of work (myself included)… both in the guild, and ‘below the line’. Lots of people are going to lose their homes, their cars, their hard-earned piece of the pie… but let’s keep things straight here…
The WGA is on strike because the producers, studios and other shark-like, emotionless threshing machines DO NOT WANT TO SHARE their windfall profits with those who author the material they sell… and re-sell… over and over and over.
We can’t, and won’t, go back to work until we get what’s fair… we have too much at stake and to settle for less than we’re entitled to would be catastrophic in the long-term. The AMPTP is keeping this strike going by refusing to negotiate in good faith and with fairness in mind. To blame the writers is ludicrous. I’m hopeful we can keep the public opinion on our side… but, frankly, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. This is becoming a war of attrition. And I want to win because I know what I’m fighting for is right.
Better settle in for a long, cold winter…